HELP WINDOW SELECT ALL CUSTOMERS (MARK) marks all customer records in database for printing/merging into documents. RESET ALL CUSTOMERS (UNMARK) resets marks on all customer records. These entries that do not have marks present will not be selected for printing/ merging into documents. SELECT CUSTOMERS BASED ON SEARCH will pop up with a window and ask you #to enter a word or phrase. The "Note/ #Keywords" field of all customer records #will be searched, and any records where #the word or phrase occurs (exactly) #will be marked for later processing. #This IS upper/lower case sensitive! ESC when done MM3BLOCK Cursor Control Keys cursor up backspace cursor down go to next tab stop cursor left left to tab stop cursor right go left one word HOME go to beginning of line go right one word END go to end of line ^PGUP go to top line PGUP go to previous page ^PGDN go to last line PGDN go to next page ^HOME erase entire line INS toggle insert mode ^END erase to end of line DEL erase character Block Operations Other mark characters mark lines replace Alt M move replace with verify Alt C copy ^ENTER accept (changes saved) Alt D delete cancel(changes not saved) ^ means pressed with CTRL key means pressed with SHIFT key ENTER for more, ESC to quit *J ! ** ! ** ! ** !! * .! ** * .! ** $** !** !** *J .. HELP WINDOW CUSTOMER DATABASE MANAGE DOCUMENTS MERGE/PRINT DOCUMENTS Lets you create, Lets you create and Lets you select document change, delete and edit documents and to print, and direct the mark/tag customer correspondence as report to the screen, a records, and look well as merge in disk file for later at file sorted by customer specific processing, or a printer LAST NAME information, such (LPT1 thru 4). COMPANY NAME as name, address, ZIP/POSTAL CODE as well as several CITY NAME user defined items. STATE/PROVINCE These items will be CATEGORY CODE pulled from customer and PHONE NUMBER. database at print time for customers whose records have ESC when done been marked/tagged. HELP WINDOW Lets you create, manage and change the customer database, as well as tagging/marking specific records for printing/merging. Lets you view them sorted by various criteria including: By Last Name By Company Name By Zip/Postal Code By City Name By State/Province By Category Code By Phone Number ESC when done Block Operations MARKING A BLOCK. Press the key to start marking (either characters or lines) and move the cursor to mark the desired block of text. Press the same key to stop the marking. The block will be "marked." MOVING/COPYING. After marking a block (see above) move the cursor to the new position for the block and press the key for either Moving or Copying. DELETING. After marking a block (see above), press the key for deleting and the block will be removed. UN-MARKING. Press the escape key or the same key used to mark the block. The block will be "un-marked." HELP WINDOW Lets you create/edit/select a document. Another window will pop-up to edit the document. ESC to exit USE THESE KEYS TO MOVE ABOUT Scrolls down one line Scrolls up one line PgDn Scrolls down one screen PgUp Scrolls up one screen ^PgDn Goes to the bottom ^PgUp Goes to the top END Goes to the bottom HOME Goes to the top Moves left 5 columns Moves right five columns Moves to far left Moves to far right ^ means pressed with Ctrl key HELP WINDOW Page 1 This screen lets you create, view, and change customer records. Most records are relatively self-explanatory, such as Last Name, Address, etc. Fields that may not be so obvious: FULL NAME is put together by the computer from last and firat name, so that you will see what it will look like on a document. CATEGORY CODE is for you to categorize the customer in whatever way you want, by region, sales person, types of goods and services they buy, how much they buy, etc. This cannot be merged into a document and is designed for your own internal use. INTERESTS is for you to categorize the type of customer they are, the nature of their inquiry, what kind of things they buy, etc. COMMENTS is a field for specific information about a customer that you may want to merge into a document. Press ENTER to continue with help ESC to exit &UPDCUS HELP Continued ESC when done Page 2 USER-DEFINED INSERTION FIELDS are four fields that you can use for !whatever you want. They could be used !account numbers or balances, credit !limits, date of last or next contact, !specific product or service names, !sales reps name and phone number, etc. !These are very powerful fields to !personalize correspondence. NOTES/KEYWORDS is a fairly large field that can be used to store a great deal of information about the customer, and can be inserted/merged into the document, and can also be used to identify customers, with the "Find by" mark option. To use the find option, get into the Customer database, by any criteria (such as by last name), depress F5 for "Mark menu" and select third option. This lets you specify what text occurance you are looking for in the notes field, and all customer note records where that specific text occurs will be marked/tagged for document print. HELP WINDOW This lets you create and edit documents, and merge in customer specific information, such as name, address, etc. When you get to a point that you would like to insert a field from the customer database, depress F2. A window will pop-up, and give you a list of fields available for merging. To place one in your document, select the specific field with the up/down arrows, and depress "Enter". The computer will insert a token word. When its time to print the documents, it will substitute the information in the actual customer database for the token for all MARKED records. You can put as many fields as you want in the document, and fields can be repeated (such as placing a persons name several times into the document. ESC when done MARKMENU MEMO3 MENU ( MENU2 MM3BLOCK SHODOC SHOWFIL E UPDCUS e UPDCUS2 UPDDOC ,